Outdoor Learning and Forest School
Our vision highlights the natural world as one of the drivers of our offer to the children who join us. Through our commitment to Forest School and other outdoor learning opportunities, we aim to inspire a meaningful connection to the natural world and an understanding of how we all fit within it, and therefore, it plays an important part in our children becoming healthy, resilient, creative and independent learners.
We are incredibly lucky at Pamphill to have the most incredible grounds set within National Trust land. Both within the school walls and beyond we make a commitment to outdoor learning in partnership with the National Trust. So far this has included: local trips to Badbury Rings; local walks in the Bluebell Woods; tree planting; and even naming the new calves on a nearby farm. This is a partnership that continues to flourish through a working party of parents and teachers who seek out opportunities to teach elements of our curriculum in the outdoors as part of our fantastic personal development offer to pupils.
Forest School offers further opportunities to be learning outside. It is an inspirational process, that offers learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in the woodland area just opposite the front of the school. The skills they learn assist in the development of their social and emotional intelligence and practical skills through play, exploration and supported risk taking. We want them to be risk aware and not risk adverse and this approach to risk means that learners constantly expand on their abilities by solving real-world issues, building self-belief and resilience. Kate Parkin is now into her second year of leading the fantastic provision in this area that we make available to all pupils, in every year of their time with us.
Forest School is an inspirational process that provides child-led play experiences that challenge the senses and inspire creativity, imagination, and independence in a woodland environment. Our forest school area offers a range of break out areas, woodland paths, balance beams and team challenges. There's even a fire pit! Our children are invited to build shelters, use tools, create beautiful crafts and cook over a campfire. These types of achievable, hands-on, learner inspired activities develop confidence and self-esteem. We will forever be grateful to the rangers at the National Trust who have helped us, and continue to support us, in developing this area for the children.