Pupil Voice
Encouraging and engaging with pupil voice is a key part of what we do at Pamphill. As well as numerous 'monitor' roles throughout the school that allow children to take on additional responsibility, below are two of the main roles that promote pupil voice.
Our 'School Council'
As a small school, with a commitment to pupil voice, each half term we set aside time for whole school 'Pupil Voice Afternoons' in which we collaborate on a school development project, using this as a vehicle to teach and live out our British and School values. The most high profile recent examples include our school vision and playground development projects. Our 'school council' is therefore made up of all of our pupils, giving everyone the chance to present their views and help improve our school.
Class representative’s feedback to the headteachers appropriate or contribute to collective worships as we share our thoughts/progress school wide.
Our Worship Leaders
This group is once again democratically elected from a shortlist of those who wish to contribute across the school, although these roles change on a termly basis to involve more children in this popular role. Those involved are tasked with supporting and recording learning from collective worships, as well as contributing prayers and delivering worship content where they feel confident to do so.