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Pamphill First School is committed to the safeguarding and welfare of children both inside and outside of the premises, and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment to maintain a safe and vigilant environment.  We implement a whole-school preventative approach to managing safeguarding concerns, ensuring that the wellbeing of pupils is at the forefront of all action taken.  It is our willingness to work safely and challenge inappropriate behaviour that underpins this commitment.


Our Designated Safeguarding Leader is
Mrs Sharon Staddon.
Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding
Leader is Mrs Anneka Green.


All members of our Safeguarding Team have had specialist training in Safeguarding and Child Protection. All staff at Pamphill First School are trained in Safeguarding Children, have regular Safeguarding training and understand their role in protecting children.

Ex Police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill, who is vice-chair of our Local School Committee, is our designated link committee member for safeguarding. (

Kelly Overhill is the Safeguarding Officer for Initio Learning Trust

Patricia MacKenzie is the Lead Safeguarding Trustee for Initio Learning Trust.

If you have any serious concerns about a child, particularly if you think they may be suffering or at risk of suffering harm, please share this information promptly with the Designated Safeguarding Team. If you are unable to contact a member of the school team and you wish to pass on serious concern please call the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01202 735046.

Our Anti-Bullying Champion and E-Safety Champion is Mr Wheeler.

Below are some helpful links to Safeguarding content on various topics: